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Privates Investigator

Helping you become the detective who solves the mystery of what's going on "down there!" Have you heard the abysmal statistic that...

Is Prolapse "Reversible"?

More loaded than all that amasses atop the pelvic floor is the question of whether pelvic organ prolapse is "reversible". Many who ask...

Under Pressure : Pressure and the Pelvic Floor

You've probably heard that pressure and the pelvic floor aren't great friends, especially if that pelvic floor has pelvic organ prolapse....

Pregnancy After POP

Many discover their POP before feeling that their family unit is complete but are nervous about the impact another pregnancy/birth will...

"Is this POP-Safe?"

Instead of asking “is this POP-safe?”, consider asking “does this make sense for me?” Do I have the strength/skill to execute this...

Managing POP on Your Period

For some with POP, one’s cycle can present challenges that make that time of the month feel (even more) disruptive. We receive a lot of...

Diastasis Recti & Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Diastasis recti abdominis (DRA), a softening and stretching of the connective tissue that runs from sternum to pubic bone (the linea...

Managing POP

You’ve been having a great few weeks: your symptoms are few and far between, your thoughts are elsewhere than the state of your vagina at...

I Wish Someone Would Have Told Me

I wish someone would have told me (even if I hadn't listened) that #pelvicorganprolapse was a likely outcome following a pregnancy and...

To the mother who...

To the mother who wishes someone would have told her, To the mother who would have done something differently, had she known what she...

What's the Deal with Kegels?!

"No one should ever do Kegels." "Kegels won't solve your problem." "I did Kegels based off of what I read online, and they didn't work...

The Benefits of Experiencing Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Those affected by pelvic organ prolapse, and the people working with us, know the toll managing POP can take. When most of us were newly...

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