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"Is this POP-Safe?"

Instead of asking “is this POP-safe?”, consider asking “does this make sense for me?” Do I have the strength/skill to execute this movement? Do I understand the components enough to identify potential challenges? Do I feel confident about my ability to manipulate variables (breath, tension, positioning, etc.) that might impact my experience? Do I trust myself? Do I experience symptoms when I perform it? Have I worked up to this? Does this movement suit my needs and goals? Am I interested in it? Am I comfortable modifying, if need be? Can I work up to it? Is it important/necessary? Consider the person (you!), not simply the pelvic floor. Consider the pelvic floor’s performance, not just the prolapse. Solely considering the prolapse isn’t “protective”. The assumption is that having the presence of prolapse be one’s guide to movement ensures safety, but this line of thinking fails to consider the broad spectrum of individual differences. The “POP-safe” movement heralded by some list somewhere could easily be inappropriate, very much “unsafe” for someone. And, time and time again, we see *people* held back by a list that never considered *them* in the first place. If you’re feeling stunted by lists, consider them as a menu at a restaurant you aren’t visiting, or a handbook for a job that isn’t yours: they don’t necessarily apply to *you*. How to figure out what applies? It’s tricky sometimes! It’s a process, and one that is best executed with the assistance of a trusted professional (at least initially) to foster learning, curiosity, and (most importantly) confidence. In addition to (and sometimes in lieu of, depending on available resources) pelvic floor physical therapy, educational resources that teach you the “how” and “why” behind the “what” are invaluable tools for navigating POP. What resources would we suggest?! Funny you should ask! POP UP: An Uplifting Guide is the most comprehensive, evidence-guided educational resource for anyone looking to thrive with POP.

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